148 Overlooked and Underrated: How to Deal With Being Passed Over

So, through my years of work as an entrepreneur and throughout life in general I have dealt with receiving more no’s than I can count.  There have been times when I’ve tried to do certain things or be a part of certain things and I just simply felt overlooked and underrated.  You may be experiencing the same thing in your life too.  Whether it be at work, in your personal relationships, within your family…being overlooked isn’t fun.  It can cause a lot of mental harm, depending on how you look at it.  In order to keep going, I’ve had to develop a mindset that keeps me encouraged even when I feel like I’m being overlooked and underrated, and in today’s episode, I want to share with you a few things to keep in mind when those negative feelings hit due to being looked over and passed over and I hope to inspire you to see yourself.